I februar er jeg med på et slags kjedebrev, enda mamma og pappa innprentet meg med at det måtte jeg aldri være med på.
Hver dag denne måneden skal alle deltakerne poste et bilde på Instagram, etter en forhåndsbestemt liste. Hele greia foregår på engelsk, og nå har vi holdt på i femten dager. Her er mine bilder og tekster:
- #Intro: I am a knitting statistician from Norway, work as a researcher at Oslo University Hospital, and am passionate about teaching and creating things of yarn. I have combined these two passions in a blog about knitting and statistics, www.statistrikk.no
- #closeup #blåveis #blomst #flower
- #currentlymaking two #poncho one alternative #pussyhat #roses #bird
- #speed Being a knitting statistician, I have of course asked people how many weeks they need to finish a jumper. Here is the result of the highly non-scientific survey ? Use Google translate or your Norwegian skills to read the entire blog post: https://www.statistrikk.no/2016/09/21/uke-38-2016-dag-3/
- #community Statisticians, epidemiologists, one musicologist and one knitting book author gathered to knit and have hot chocholate in my livingroom in 2015
- #mistakes I got carried away and ended up making another face to my #tardigrade instead of another set of legs. #fail
- #stripes Wafflemaking in my parents’ boat house, 1990. I designed and knitted the jumper myself, and was truly proud of it.
- #whereicraft I commute by boat, and may knit for 25 minutes back and forth every day. #lucky
- #tools These. Love them. ♥ #yarnlovechallenge
- #oldest stash #hands #crochetneedle
- #travelprojects My backpack always has a plastic bag with some *in progress* knitting or crochet project.
- #progress
- #selfie
- #yarnlove My Bunny Valentine. ♥
- #family Father-in-law and newborn daughter, almost 17 years ago.